Crate astro_float

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Astro-float (astronomically large floating point numbers) is a library that implements arbitrary precision floating point numbers.



The number is defined by the data type BigFloat. Each finite number consists of an array of words representing the mantissa, exponent, and sign. BigFloat can also be Inf (positive infinity), -Inf (negative infinity) or NaN (not-a-number).

BigFloat creation operations take bit precision as an argument. Precision is always rounded up to the nearest word. For example, if you specify a precision of 1 bit, then it will be converted to 64 bits when one word has a size of 64 bits. If you specify a precision of 65 bits, the resulting precision will be 128 bits (2 words), and so on.

Most operations take the rounding mode as an argument. The operation will typically internally result in a number with more precision than necessary. Before the result is returned to the user, the result is rounded according to the rounding mode and reduced to the expected precision.

The result of an operation is marked as inexact if some of the bits were rounded when producing the result, or if any of the operation’s arguments were marked as inexact. The information about exactness is used to achieve correct rounding.

BigFloat can be parsed from a string and formatted into a string using binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal representation.

Numbers can be subnormal. Usually any number is normalized: the most significant bit of the mantissa is set to 1. If the result of the operation has the smallest possible exponent, then normalization cannot be performed, and some significant bits of the mantissa may become 0. This allows for a more gradual transition to zero.

Error handling

In case of an error, such as memory allocation error, BigFloat takes the value NaN. BigFloat::err() can be used to get the associated error in this situation.


Constants such as pi or the Euler number have arbitrary precision and are evaluated lazily and then cached in the constants cache. Some functions expect constants cache as parameter because the library does not maintain global state.


Results of all arithmetic operations, mathematical functions, and constant values are mostly correctly rounded.


The example below computes value of Pi with precision 1024 rounded to even using expr! macro. Macro simplifies syntax, takes care of the error and correct rounding of the result. Although, macro has certain pitfalls to avoid. Check the macro documentation for more details.

use astro_float::Consts;
use astro_float::RoundingMode;
use astro_float::ctx::Context;
use astro_float::expr;

// Create a context with precision 1024, and rounding to even.
let mut ctx = Context::new(1024, RoundingMode::ToEven,
    Consts::new().expect("Contants cache initialized"));

// Compute pi: pi = 6*arctan(1/sqrt(3))
let pi = expr!(6 * atan(1 / sqrt(3)), &mut ctx);

// Use library's constant value for verifying the result.
let pi_lib = ctx.const_pi();

// Compare computed constant with library's constant
assert_eq!(pi.cmp(&pi_lib), Some(0));

// Print using decimal radix.
println!("{}", pi);

// output: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458699748e+0

The example below computes value of Pi with precision 1024 rounded to even using BigFloat directly. In this case, we will take care of error, and we will not check wether the resul is correctly rounded.

use astro_float::BigFloat;
use astro_float::Consts;
use astro_float::RoundingMode;

// Precision with some space for error.
let p = 1024 + 8;

// Rounding of all operations
let rm = RoundingMode::ToEven;

// Initialize mathematical constants cache
let mut cc = Consts::new().expect("An error occured when initializing contants");

// Compute pi: pi = 6*arctan(1/sqrt(3))
let six = BigFloat::from_word(6, 1);
let three = BigFloat::from_word(3, p);

let n = three.sqrt(p, rm);
let n = n.reciprocal(p, rm);
let n = n.atan(p, rm, &mut cc);
let mut pi = six.mul(&n, p, rm);

// Reduce precision to 1024
pi.set_precision(1024, rm).expect("Precision updated");

// Use library's constant for verifying the result
let pi_lib = cc.pi(1024, rm);

// Compare computed constant with library's constant
assert_eq!(pi.cmp(&pi_lib), Some(0));

// Print using decimal radix.
println!("{}", pi);

// output: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458699748e+0


The library can work without the standard library provided there is a memory allocator. The standard library dependency is activated by the feature std. The feature std is active by default and must be excluded when specifying dependency, e.g.:

astro-float = { version = "0.6.7", default-features = false }


  • Context is used in expressions returning BigFloat.


  • Computes an expression with the specified precision and rounding mode.


  • A floating point number of arbitrary precision.
  • Constants cache contains arbitrary-precision mathematical constants.




  • A trait for conversion with additional arguments.

Type Definitions